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dc.contributor.authorЕрмонина, И. В.
dc.identifier.citationЕрмонина, И. В. Эколого-экономическая стоимость несомкнувшихся лесных культур на землях лесного фонда / И. В. Ермонина // Труды БГТУ. - 2015. - № 7.- С. 120-123.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractStandard materials have been developed for carrying out the ecological and economic assessment of not closed forest cultures on lands of the forest fund within maintaining the State forest inventory of the Republic of Belarus. Research on studying of stocks of forest resources in not closed forest cultures are conducted in 10 model forestries of Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel and Mogilyov areas for 15 types of wood. On the basis of the information received during the laying of 72 temporary trial areas standards of complex efficiency of not closed forest cultures on lands of the forest fund have been developed for the main tree species: the pine, the fir-tree, the oak, the birch and series of types of wood: mossy, adder-spit, oxalis and bilberry. Standards contain data on wood and not wood resources (food, medicinal, honey productivity), the elevated phytoweight and the deposition of CO2 by not closed forest cultures. The method of determination of the ecological and economic cost of not closed forest cultures on lands of the forest fund has been suggested, which is based on the prices of a forest product and biological stocks of forest resources on the lands occupied with not closed forest cultures. On the basis of the use of this method standards of ecological and economic cost of not closed forest cultures on lands of the forest fund for the pine, the fir-tree, the oak, the birch and series of types of wood are prepared: mossy, adder-spit, oxalis, bilberry ones at an average density of trees of 3.0 thousand pieces/hectare.
dc.subjectЛесное хозяйствоru_RU
dc.subjectНесомкнувшиеся лесные культуры
dc.subjectЛесной кадастр
dc.subjectNot closed forest culture
dc.subjectForest inventor
dc.titleЭколого-экономическая стоимость несомкнувшихся лесных культур на землях лесного фондаru_RU
dc.title.alternativeEcological and economic cost of not closed forest cultures on lands of the forest fund

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