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dc.contributor.advisorKomarov, F. F.
dc.contributor.authorZhukova, M. N.
dc.identifier.citationZhukova, M. N. Broadband antireflective composite coating: effect of pulsed laser treatment on optical properties / M. N. Zhukova ; scientific supervisor F. F. Komarov // I Международный молодёжный научно-культурный форум студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов и молодых ученых [Электронный ресурс] : сборник материалов, Гомель, 5-7 марта 2024 г. / М-во образования Респ. Беларусь ; Гомельский государственный технический университет имени П. О. Сухого ; Таизский университет ; Научная организация исследований и инноваций ; под общ. ред. А. А. Бойко. – Гомель : ГГТУ им. П. О. Сухого, 2024. – С. 79.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe developed method of laser processing for the formation of antireflective coatings based on composite materials created by filling an epoxy polymer with multi-walled carbon nanotubes is demonstrated,The effect of surface profiling of composite materials by pulsed laser processing on reflectivity in the UV, visible, near and mid-IR wavelength ranges is studied. The possibility of creating composite structures with a low reflectivity in the range of 0.2 –25 μm, corresponding to the requirements for antireflective coatings of optical and optoelectronic systems of spacecraft and ground-based systems is demonstrated.ru_RU
dc.publisherГГТУ им. П.О. Сухогоru_RU
dc.subjectMulti-walled carbon nanotubesru_RU
dc.subjectEpoxy polymerru_RU
dc.subjectComposite materialru_RU
dc.subjectPulsed laser processingru_RU
dc.subjectBroadband antireflective coatingru_RU
dc.titleBroadband antireflective composite coating: effect of pulsed laser treatment on optical propertiesru_RU

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