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dc.contributor.advisorSirode, S. N.
dc.contributor.authorAL-Askari, I. M. Q. Y.
dc.identifier.citationAL-Askari, I. M. Q. Y. Using it to improve the relationship between republic of Yemeni university students' self-concept and adaptation [Электронный ресурс] / I. M. Q. Y. AL-Askari ; scientific supervisor S. N. Sirode // E.R.A – Современная наука: электроника, робототехника, автоматизация : материалы I Междунар. науч.-техн. конф, студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 29 фев. 2024 г. / Гомел. гос. техн. ун-т им. П. О. Сухого [и др.] ; под общ. ред. А. А. Бойко. – Гомель : ГГТУ им. П. О. Сухого, 2024. – C. 153–154.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe relationship between self-concept and adaptation is crucial for university students, as it affects their academic performance and overall well-being. In the Republic of Yemen, where students face unique challenges due to sociopolitical factors, leveraging Information Technology (IT) can play a significant role in enhancing this relationship. This report explores the potential of IT in improving the self-concept and adaptation of Yemeni university students. It discusses the use of online platforms for self-expression, virtual communities for social support, e- learning for academic development, and digital resources for career guidance. By harnessing IT, Yemeni universities can empower their students, foster a positive self-concept, and facilitate successful adaptation to the academic environment.ru_RU
dc.publisherГГТУ им. П.О. Сухогоru_RU
dc.subjectUniversity studentsru_RU
dc.subjectInformation technologyru_RU
dc.subjectOnline platformsru_RU
dc.subjectVirtual communitiesru_RU
dc.subjectCareer guidanceru_RU
dc.subjectRepublic of Yemenru_RU
dc.titleUsing it to improve the relationship between republic of Yemeni university students' self-concept and adaptationru_RU

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