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dc.contributor.advisorAl-Faqih, A. S. A.
dc.contributor.authorAli, M. A. M.
dc.identifier.citationAli, M. A. M. The effectiveness of a multimedia program to develop visual thinking skills in islamic history / M. A. M. Ali ; науч. рук. A. S. A. Al-Faqih // E.R.A – Современная наука: электроника, робототехника, автоматизация : материалы I Междунар. науч.-техн. конф, студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 29 фев. 2024 г. / Гомел. гос. техн. ун-т им. П. О. Сухого [и др.] ; под общ. ред. А. А. Бойко. – Гомель : ГГТУ им. П. О. Сухого, 2024. – C. 116–118.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a multimedia program in enhancing visual thinking skills in Islamic History among students at Taiz University, Yemen. A semi- experimental single-group design was employed, with pre- and post-tests conducted. The sample consisted of 36 male and female students from the Department of Qur'an Sciences. The researcher developed a multimedia program for visual thinking skills and conducted tests to measure these skills. The results revealed significant improvement in visual thinking skills among the students after using the multimedia program. The program proved to be effective in teaching the Rightly Guided Caliphs Unit of the Islamic History course, surpassing the average earning ratio for Black (with an earning ratio of 1.212). The findings suggest that faculty members should incorporate multimedia programs into their teaching methods, particularly in Islamic history courses, to keep up with new advancements and leverage their positive impact on knowledge and skill development.ru_RU
dc.publisherГГТУ им. П.О. Сухогоru_RU
dc.subjectVisual thinkingru_RU
dc.subjectIslamic historyru_RU
dc.titleThe effectiveness of a multimedia program to develop visual thinking skills in islamic historyru_RU

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