Публикации в изданиях Республики Беларусь: Новые поступления
Показано записей 1121-1140 из 3255
Рекуперация тепла
(БНТУ, 2011)Heat recovery is an effective method of shortening specific energy consumption. New constructions of recuperators for heating and cupola furnaces have been designed and successfully introduced. Two-stage recuperator with ...2023-10-16 -
Улучшение состава, структуры, технологических, механических и эксплуатационных свойств отливок из износостойких сплавов
(БНТУ, 2005)It is shown that at organization of production of broad and small-serial nomenclature of casting slugs of iron-carbon alloys the complex approach to solving of problem of the melt preparation is necessary.2023-10-16 -
Использование эффекта конденсации при улавливании высокодисперсной пыли
(БНТУ, 2005)Using of condensation process for gas treating from dust enabled not only to catch dust fine fractions and to reduce the expenses of gas treating as well.2023-10-13 -
Сокращение затрат электроэнергии при электродуговой индукционной плавке чугуна и стали
(БНТУ, 2005)The analysis of efficiency and technological peculiarities of the ways of the electric power costs reduction at melting of cast iron and steel in electroarc and induction furnaces is presented. The most perspective for ...2023-10-13 -
Структура и свойства высокофосфористых чугунов и чугунов с шаровидным графитом
(БНТУ, 2005)There are given the structure and characteristics of high-phosphorous cast irons and cast irons with ball-shope graphite in the article.2023-10-13 -
Технология производства компаунда
(БНТУ, 2005)It is shown that using of compound KBM allowed to reduce the expense of binder, to increase the solidity of mixture and its plastic properties. Besides, the complex of additives included into KBM increased the ...2023-10-13 -
Устройство для электромагнитной наплавки наружных цилиндрических поверхностей
(ИММС НАН Беларуси, 2000)Описана установка, обеспечивающая эффективность процесса электромагнитной наплавки за счет постоянства минимальной величины рабочего зазора, однородности магнитного поля, возможности варьирования частоты осцилляций и ...2023-10-13 -
Процесс упрочнения формовочных смесей на лигносульфонатном связующем
(БНТУ, 2004)Hardening of agglutinant sands on lignosulphonate binding agent is the result of two processes: oxidation-reduction in the system lignosulphonate acids — persulfuric natrium in the early stages of hardening and hydration ...2023-10-13 -
Реагенты, модификаторы комплексных связующих для единых формовочных смесей
(БНТУ, 2004)There are given the calculations, modifiers of bindings for the unified foundry sands.2023-10-13 -
Математическое моделирование высокоскоростных МНЛЗ с электрогидравлическим приводом
(БНТУ, 2004)In the article is given the mathematical model of the table of swinging with hydroelectric drive of the crystallizer of the slugs continuous casting machine. The mathematical model is received by methods of the theory ...2023-10-13 -
Использование методов реологии в системах управления смесеприготовлением
(БНТУ, 2004)In the article the original author's tractability of the methods o f continuous automatic control of flow characteristics of sand blends with the use of imitation models received on the original experimental system is offered.2023-10-13 -
Разработка компенсатора для встроенного рекуператора вагранки
(БНТУ, 2004)Modeling and optimization of the base model of compensator of the temperature broadening of the cupola recuperator are carried out.2023-10-13 -
Компьютерное моделирование потоков в радиационном рекуператоре
(БНТУ, 2004)The results of the computer modeling of the air flood in the circular comer of two-pass radiation recuperator are presented. Production tests proved the adequacy of calculations.2023-10-13 -
Уточненная математическая модель электрогидравлического привода качания кристаллизатора высокоскоростной МНЛЗ
(БНТУ, 2004)At present time the high emphasis is placed on the problems of the quality improvement and increase of the metal cast speed at the machines of the slugs continuous casting. One of the ways of solving of this task is ...2023-10-13 -
К вопросу учета структурных особенностей инструментальных сталей при изготовлении матриц холодновысадочной оснастки
(БНТУ, 2003)The comparative analysis of operation characteristics of cold heading female moulds, produced from steels P6M5 and X12M, in relation with their structure and stressed state, is carried out.2023-10-12 -
Печи ротационного нагрева
(БНТУ, 2003)In the article there are analyzed the different ways of thermal treatment and melting of polydisperse materials and there are presented the developed by authors original coaxial-cylinder furnace settings, allowing to ...2023-10-12 -
Влияние скорости нагружения на результаты испытаний дорожной арматуры на сжатие
(БНТУ, 2003)In the article there is examined the influence of loading speed, and also of the dynamic parameters of the hydraulic testing presser and inflexibility of the test sample on the results of statistic examinations of road ...2023-10-12 -
Классификация материалов, входящих в состав единых формовочных смесей
(БНТУ, 2003)There is shown that using of the compound connecting system allows to carry out not only receiving of the stable material but to provide equal distribution along the whole mixture volume of all components, forming part ...2023-10-12 -
Температурные напряжения в призматических телах при радиационно-конвективном теплообмене
(БНТУ, 2003)There is given the solution of linked problem of heat conduction and thermoelasticity at heating of prismatic substances by radiant convection current, based on using of the method of equivalent sources.2023-10-12 -
Решение задачи процесса нагрева призматических слитков и заготовок в режиме противотока
(БНТУ, 2003)For the first time in the theory of counterflow heat exchange there is solved the problem of heating of the two-dimensional prismatic slug at its heating by convention current. There are studied the regularities of ...2023-10-12