Электронная библиотека ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого: Recent submissions
Now showing items 2441-2460 of 31556
Профилирование проточной части нагнетательного канала аксиально-поршневого насоса
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)Рассмотрено течение потока рабочей жидкости в нагнетательном канале аксиально-поршневого насоса с торцевым распределением. Методом численного моделирования определена геометрическая форма канала, используемого в ...2024-07-10 -
Enhancing lives through neurosurgery: the power of brain-machine interfaces
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)This work explores the potential of BMIs to enhancing lives through neurosurgery and the profound impact they can have on patients' quality of life.2024-07-10 -
Цифровое проектирование моделирования шестеренного насоса с внешним зацеплением
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)Рассматривается разработка и инженерный анализ шестеренного насоса 1PF 2G2-4X/022. Для проектирования насоса используется программный продукт САПР Компас 3D, реализующих технологий цифровых прототипов. Разработанная цифровая ...2024-07-10 -
Yemen's political and administrative sustainability: obstacles and strategies for overcoming them
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)This study delves into the obstacles faced by Yemen in achieving political and administrative sustainability and presents strategies to overcome these hurdles, fostering a more stable and prosperous future for the nation.2024-07-10 -
Решение проблемы водородного охрупчивания ответственных металлоконструкций автокранов МАЗ
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)Разработана технология модификации защитной газовой атмосферы галогенидными соединениями при сварке высокопрочных сталей на примере металлоконструкций стрелы автокрана МАЗ “овоидного” профиля сечения, позволяющая снизить ...2024-07-10 -
Yemen's economic development and youth employment potential as a result of entrepreneurship
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)This study explores how entrepreneurship can drive economic growth, create employment opportunities for the youth, and contribute to Yemen's overall development.2024-07-10 -
Broadband antireflective composite coating: effect of pulsed laser treatment on optical properties
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)The developed method of laser processing for the formation of antireflective coatings based on composite materials created by filling an epoxy polymer with multi-walled carbon nanotubes is demonstrated,The ...2024-07-09 -
The impact of modern technology on training students in Yemeni schools
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)This review explores the impact of modern technology on training students in Yemeni schools, highlighting the benefits, challenges, and potential solutions for leveraging technology effectively.2024-07-09 -
The role of nuclear energy in achieving sustainable development goals
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)This paper explores the role of nuclear energy in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It the challenges and controversies surrounding nuclear energy, including concerns over accidents, waste ...2024-07-09 -
The current obstacles facing Yemen's legal system
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)This study explores the current obstacles facing Yemen's legal system, shedding light on the challenges, their impact, and the need for reforms to ensure a fair and accessible legal framework for all.2024-07-09 -
Sustainability of businesses and their effects on Yemen's social and economic development
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)This study explores the importance of sustainability in businesses and its effects on Yemen's social and economic development. It highlights the benefits, challenges, and potential strategies for fostering ...2024-07-09 -
The contribution of education and training to Yemen's administrative leadership capacities
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)This review explores the contribution of education and training in enhancing Yemen's administrative leadership, focusing on the benefits, challenges, and the potential for building a capable and skilled ...2024-07-09 -
Political media's impact on how Yemen is perceived in the west
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)This study explores the impact of political media on the Western perception of Yemen, shedding light on the potential biases, challenges, and the need for a nuanced understanding of the country's ...2024-07-09 -
Техническое обеспечение АСУ ТП нефтегазового производства
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)В этом работе был произведен анализ диаграммы примерного распределения доли измерений основных технологических параметров в общем объеме измерений. Выделив основной измеряемый параметр, температуру, был описан принцип ...2024-07-09 -
Industrial robotics and robotic systems: a mini review
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)This mini review provides an overview of the key aspects and advancements in industrial robotics, highlighting their impact on various sectors and the future potential they hold.2024-07-09 -
Анализ современных технологий снятия остаточных напряжений на деталях типа «вал»
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)Проведен анализ современных технологий снятий остаточных напряжений. Изучены причины возникновения остаточных напряжений, приведены способы снятия остаточных напряжений на деталях типа вал.2024-07-09 -
The importance of quality education (smart office) and its potential application in kindergarten schools in Lebanon
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)This study highlights the significance of quality education, particularly the Smart Office concept, and explores its potential application in kindergarten schools in Lebanon. By leveraging technology, Smart Office aims to ...2024-07-09 -
Biomedical Engineering In Lebanon: Between Theory And Practice
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)Biomedical engineering in Lebanon is at a pivotal stage, balancing theoretical foundations with practical applications. Despite challenges such as economic constraints, brain drain, and regulatory issues, there are ...2024-07-09 -
Spectral-luminescent properties indotricarbocianine dye with complexation with deoxyribonuclein acid
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)Using the methods of stationary and kinetic spectrofluorometry, confirmation of the incorporation of a water-soluble tricarbocyanine dye molecule into the DNA structure was obtained. Since the primary photochemical ...2024-07-09 -
A comparison between Belarus and Lebanon regarding the limb implantation process
(ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого, 2024)This report provides a comparative analysis of the limb implantation process in Belarus and Lebanon, focusing on the challenges, advancements, and strategies employed in each country. The study examines the initiatives ...2024-07-09