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dc.contributor.authorБобрышева, С. Н.
dc.contributor.authorБоднарук, В. Б.
dc.contributor.authorЕрмакович, С. В.
dc.contributor.authorКашлач, Л. О.
dc.identifier.citationЛабораторный метод определения огнетушащей эффективности порошков / С. Н. Бобрышева, В. Б. Боднарук, С. В. Ермакович, Л. О. Кашлач // Пожары и чрезвычайные ситуации: предотвращение, ликвидация. – 2014. – № 1. – С. 51–56.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractВ статье представлен лабораторный метод определения огнетушащей эффективности порошков. Достоверность полученных лабораторным методом результатов подтверждена их корреляцией с результатами натурных испытаний.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractPURPOSE. Currently dry powders are widely used and in many cases are the only means of suppressing combustion. Quality of dry powders is a multifactor characteristic which is affected by the powder composition and its production technology and also by the methods of discharging dry powders to the heart of a fire. On the territory of the Republic of Belarus we conduct full-scale tests using model fires for determining extinguishing efficiency of dry powders. The purpose of this paper is to present the laboratory dry powder test method using the test stand developed by the authors. METHODS. Simultaneous series of laboratory and field dry powder tests have been held. FINDINGS. The comparative analysis of the obtained results has shown a slight discrepancy between the laboratory and field tests (1-3 %), which corresponds to the allowance. The method and stand designers have received the utility model patent “Stand for testing dry powders”. RESEARCH APPLICATION FIELD. This laboratory test technique allows to determine the fire extinguishing efficiency of dry powders. Conclusions. This test method can significantly reduce costs and shorten set-up and testing time. Tests can be conducted regardless of weather conditions and a season.
dc.publisherАкадемия государственной противопожарной службыru_RU
dc.subjectОгнетушащая способностьru_RU
dc.subjectОгнетушащие порошковые составыru_RU
dc.subjectНатурные испытанияru_RU
dc.subjectЛабораторные методыru_RU
dc.subjectExtinguishing efficiencyru_RU
dc.subjectDry powdersru_RU
dc.subjectLaboratory methodru_RU
dc.subjectField testsru_RU
dc.titleЛабораторный метод определения огнетушащей эффективности порошковru_RU
dc.title.alternativeLab method for determining fire extinguishing efficiency of dry powdersru_RU

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