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dc.contributor.authorУшаков, Ю. С.
dc.contributor.authorЛозовский, В. Н.
dc.contributor.authorГлухов, А. А.
dc.identifier.citationУшаков, Ю. С. Фазовое сканирование в кольцевых антенных решетках / Ю. С. Ушаков, В. Н. Лозовский, А. А. Глухов // Труды Гомельского государственного технического университета имени П. О. Сухого. – 2008. – № 1. – С. 6–11.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractРассмотрена возможность применения диаграммообразующей схемы Батлера для организации фазового сканирования в кольцевых антенных решетках.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractElectronic scanning in the ring antenna arrays (AA) management involves not only phase signals in the radiator, but the amplitude and that complicates the options and costs of such antennas, while the need to replace existing devices with a mechanical movement in the beam azimuthal plane on electron - scanning system is extremely topical. The article explores the possibility of a phase circular scanning roundabout AA to initiate a system of generators through Butler scheme. Using scheme Butler in arrays with a large number of radiators (N ≥ 100) was possible by the development of multi-layer stripline design, which eliminated many crossing connecting lines through the optimal choice of topology and circuit elements. Butler distribution scheme initiated by the radiator grates are used for synthesis of fans the same direction diagrams (DD), optimized for specific criteria. Scanning beacon roundabout AA manages phases excitations entrances Butler scheme, that is fashion. Amplitude distribution at the entrances Butler scheme ensures optimum DD grills and does not change when crawling. In the same amplitudes excitation all entrances ensured Butler scheme standard approximation to a given actionable DD chart, while going on "focusing" all the power of the same amplitude N generators in amplitude-phase distribution of the radiator grates, which typically amounts to 0.25...0.3 of the total number of elements in the ring-AA. The article presents the results of a study of 128 ring-AA - we radiators to initiate Butler scheme at frequencies of 5...6 GHz. Butler scheme is a voluminous an integrated circuit on symmetric stripline lines component in the block size 6.0x6.0x0.2 dm3. The estimated value of 1.5 dB loss. DD roundabout AA have a beam width of 2.8...3.0 degrees, the level of side minus 20...15 dB, depending on the distribution of excitation sold on inputs Butler scheme, resistant to moderate largest discrete amplitudes (up to 1 dB) and phases (22, 5°).
dc.subjectФазовое управление лучомru_RU
dc.subjectАнтенные решеткиru_RU
dc.subjectКольцевые антенные решеткиru_RU
dc.subjectСинтез кольцевых антенных решетокru_RU
dc.subjectСхема Батлераru_RU
dc.titleФазовое сканирование в кольцевых антенных решеткахru_RU
dc.title.alternativePhase scanning in the ring antenna arraysru_RU

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