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dc.contributor.authorAtnishah, R. A.
dc.contributor.authorSycheva, N. V.
dc.contributor.authorAl-Kamali, M. F. S. H.
dc.contributor.authorAlhamili, W. A.N.
dc.identifier.citationThe possibility of supporting the regulatory and economic mechanism for business development in Libya (literary review - and a suggested modified mechanism) / R. A. Atnishah [et al.] // Al-Andalus journal for Humanities & Social Sciences. — 2023. — № 65, Vol. 10. — P. 180—198.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of the study is to seek to implement a proposal for an organizational and economic role in business development by researchers in order to improve the organizational and economic role in developing and entrepreneurship in Libya, as well as improving the efficiency of commercial structures in it, reviving its economy and contributing to its growth in all fields. To achieve this goal, the inductive approach was followed in addition to The descriptive-analytical approach is more widely used in the study of social and human phenomena and due to its relevance to the nature of the study. The study concluded that Libya only needs urgent and urgent measures to support the economy, which suffers from deep and complex problems, including at the political level the success of the presidential and legislative elections and the rise of a unified authority capable of imposing law and security throughout the country from west to east and conducting national reconciliation aimed at To lay the foundations for social peace and rules of coexistence and to reject negative foreign interference in Libya's internal affairs, in addition to this, to develop urgent economic and social plans and programs within a timetable in the short, medium and long terms, and to carry out structural reforms at the core of vital state institutions and to encourage the private sector to enact the necessary laws and legislations, in addition to providing A security environment to encourage companies and foreign investors to return to resume their activities. The study concluded with several recommendations, the most important of which are working to implement a developed economic regulatory role to help increase the efficiency of the performance of Libyan commercial structures and business deterrents to create a suitable climate for business in the country for project owners as well as transfer knowledge and technology and localize it in the Libyan economy and provide guarantees for investors to invest in the country and work on economic support In addition to the need to organize specialized workshops and conferences concerned with implementing the developed mechanisms.ru_RU
dc.publisherAlandalus University for Science and Technologyru_RU
dc.subjecteconomic mechanismru_RU
dc.subjectLibyan economyru_RU
dc.titleThe possibility of supporting the regulatory and economic mechanism for business development in Libya (literary review - and a suggested modified mechanism)ru_RU

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