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dc.contributor.authorDegtyareva, E. A.
dc.contributor.authorTimoshin, S. I.
dc.identifier.citationDegtyareva, E. A. The Spin of the Nucleon in the Semi-inclusive DIS with Charged Current / E. A. Degtyareva, S. I. Timoshin // Actual Problems of Microworld Physics : Proceedings of International School-Seminar, Gomel, 01-12 august 2011 / Joint institute for nuclear research ; editors : V. Andreev [et al.]. — Dubna : JINR, 2013. — P. 241-247.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe investigation of spin structure of the nucleon is one of the actual problems of particle physics [1]. According to recent experimental data [2]—[5]the quarks are responsible for 33-35% of nucleon spin and the strange quarks contribution is near to zero ∆s ~ 0.1 The nucleon spin problem requires the further experimental research of all contributions. In present work the possibilities of determination of the quark contributions to the nucleon spin based on observable asymmetries of the semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) with the charged current are considered.ru_RU
dc.publisherJoint institute for nuclear researchru_RU
dc.titleThe Spin of the Nucleon in the Semi-inclusive DIS with Charged Currentru_RU

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