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dc.contributor.authorPankov, A.
dc.contributor.authorTsytrinov, A.
dc.contributor.authorBednyakov, V.
dc.contributor.authorRusakovich, N.
dc.identifier.citationOn a New Heavy Resonance Search in Dilepton and Diphoton Channels at the LHC / A. Pankov [et al.]. // Actual Problems of Microworld Physics : Proceedings of International School-Seminar, Gomel, 01-12 august 2011 / Joint institute for nuclear research ; editors : V. Andreev [et al.]. — Dubna : JINR, 2013. — P. 18-27.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractMany models of physics beyond the Standard Electroweak The­ory predict the existence of very heavy resonances that can mani­fest themselves as peaks or bumps in the cross sections at the LHC. It is possible that heavy resonances would be discovered early in the Large Hadron Collider program. The next step would be to measure their properties (spin, mass, coupling constants etc.) to identify the underlying theory that gave rise to the resonances. In this case, the spin determination of a peak, requiring the angular analysis of the events, becomes crucial in order to identify the rel­evant nonstandard source. We discuss the identification reach of heavy bosons with spin-2 Randall-Sundrum graviton excitations, spin-1 extra neutral gauge bosons Z', and spin-0 scalar resonance in Drell - Yan dilepton and diphoton events at LHC.ru_RU
dc.publisherJoint institute for nuclear researchru_RU
dc.titleOn a New Heavy Resonance Search in Dilepton and Diphoton Channels at the LHCru_RU

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