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dc.contributor.authorKhandramai, V.
dc.contributor.authorProkopenko, D.
dc.identifier.citationKhandramai, V. Low-energy QCD Calculations with Package "FAPT" / V. Khandramai, D. Prokopenko // Actual Problems of Microworld Physics : Proceedings of XII International School-Seminar, Gomel, 22 july-02 august 2013. Vol. 1 / Joint institute for nuclear research ; editors : V. Andreev [et al.]. — Dubna : JINR, 2015. —P. 210—223.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractWe consider computational problems in the framework of non­ power Analityc Perturbation Theory and Fractional Analytic Per­turbation Theory that are the generalization of the standard QCD perturbation theory. The singularity-free, finite couplings Av(Q2), v ( s) appear in these approaches as analytic images of the standard QCD coupling powers avs(Q2) in the Euclidean and Minkowski do­mains, respectively. We provide a package "FAPT" based on the system Mathematica for QCD calculations of the images Av(Q2), v(s) u p t o N3LO of renormalization group evolution. Application of these approaches to Bjorken sum rule analysis and Q2 -evolution of higher twist µ p-n is considered.ru_RU
dc.publisherJoint institute for nuclear researchru_RU
dc.subjectPerturbation theoryru_RU
dc.subjectPackage "FAPT"ru_RU
dc.subjectComputational problemsru_RU
dc.subjectQCD calculationsru_RU
dc.titleLow-energy QCD Calculations with Package "FAPT"ru_RU

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