Now showing items 501-520 of 1043

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      Center-Edge Asymmetry as a Tool for Revealing Large Extra Dimensions at LHC 

      Pankov, A. A.; Serenkova, I. A.; Tsytrinov, A. V.; Bednyakov, V. A. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2015)
      Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos and Dvali proposed a model in which gravity propagates freely in d extra compact spatial dimensions. The prospects of discovery and identification of large extra spatial dimensions effects in the ...
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      The Deep Inelastic Scattering on the Polarized Nucleons at Electron-Ion Collider 

      Timoshin, E. S.; Timoshin, S. I. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2015)
      The contributions the individual quark and antiquark flavors, the valence quarks in the nucleon spin are obtained in the deep inelastic scattering longitudinally polarized leptons off longitudinally polarized protons, ...
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      Search for Large Extra Dimensions at the LHC with Center-Edge Asymmetry 

      Bednyakov, V. A.; Rusakovich, N. A.; Pankov, A. A.; Serenkova, I. A. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2008)
      We study the possibility of using the center-edge asymmetry to distinguish spin-2 Kaluza-Klein graviton exchange within the ADD scenario from other new physics effects described by spin-1 exchange in lepton-pair production ...
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      Renormalization Scheme Dependence in Variational Approach to QCD 

      Korsun, L. D.; Solovtsov, I. L.; Solovtsova, O. P. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2008)
      We present a detailed investigation of the renormalization scheme dependence for the Adler 29-function in the framework of the varia­tional approach to QCD.
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      Large Extra Dimensions at High Energy Colliders 

      Pankov, A. A.; Tsytrinov, A. V. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2008)
      We explore the capability of the high energy colliders LHC and ILC to distinguish spin-2 Kaluza-Klein towers of gravitons exchange from other new physics effects which might be conveniently parametrized by the four-fermion ...
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      Relativistic Generalization of the Threshold Resummation Factors in the Quasipotential Approach 

      Solovtsov, I. L.; Chernichenko, Yu. D. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2008)
      The quasipotential approach in quantum field theory is used to derive relativistic threshold resummation factors in quantum chromo­dynamics.
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      Interactions of η, η' - Mesons  with Heavy Quarks 

      Avakyan, E. Z.; Avakyan, S. L. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2008)
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      Low Energy Hadronic Interactions of Scalar Mesons 

      Avakyan, E. Z.; Avakyan, S. L. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2008)
      Low energy interactions of scalar mesons are investigated in the Quark Confinement Model. The good description of these decays in two-quark scheme was achieved by means of the addition term in the scalar-quarks Lagrangian.
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      Relativistic Equations for s-Waves with Delta-Potential and Derivative of Delta-Potential 

      Kapshai, V. N.; Grishechkin, Y. A.; Kondratjuk, V. V. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2008)
      Exact wave functions of the scattering states of two spinless par­ticle systems are found for delta-potential and derivative of delta­-potential. Angular momentum is taken to be zero. The expressions for scattering amplitudes, ...
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      Relativistic Inverse Scattering Problem for a Sum of a Nonlocal Separable Quasipotentias 

      Chernichenko, Yu. D. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2008)
      A relativistic inverse problem is solved for the case when the total quasipotential simulating the interaction of two relativistic spinless particles of unequal masses is the superposition of a local quasipoten­tial and a ...
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      Discriminating New Physics Scenarios at ILC 

      Pankov, A. A.; Tsytrinov, A. V. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2007)
      We discuss the possibility of identifying the effects of gravi­ton exchange in extra dimensions from other new physics scenarios parametrized by the four-fermion compositeness-inspired contact interactions, and viceversa, ...
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      Mixing Angles and Radiative Decays of η, η' - Mesons 

      Avakyan, E. Z.; Avakyan, S. L. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2007)
      The η, η' system was under investigation. Mixing angles for octet­-singlet mixing and for quark-flavor bases were fixed. The decay constants of radiative V —> Pו and P —> Vו (P = η, η' ; V = р, w, ϕ) decays were calculated. ...
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      Phenomenology of Gauge-Higgs Unification Models 

      Babich, A. A. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2015)
      The class of models in which the Higgs field is a part of gauge fields in higher dimensions, the Higgs sector has been controlled by the gauge principle is discussed. The difference between the Higgs particle and gauge ...
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      Form Factor of the Relativistic Two-Particle System in the Relativistic Quasipotential Approach: The Case of Arbitrary Masses and Scalar Current 

      Chernichenko, Yu. D. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2015)
      The new relativistic form factor of the relativistic two-particle bound system in the case of scalar current is obtained. Consider­ation is conducted within the framework of relativistic quasipotential approach on the basis ...
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      Fermion Current Calculation by the Method of Basis Spinors 

      Andreev, V. V.; Gavrish, V. Yu. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2015)
      We develop MES-techniques for more efficient calculating of scat­tering amplitudes involving both massive fermions of an arbitrary polarization and massless fermions in quantum field theories. The purpose of this work is ...
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      Probing and Identifying New Physics Scenarios at International Linear Collider 

      Pankov, A. A.; Serenkova, I. A.; Tsytrinov, A. V.; Pankov, I. A. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2015)
      Numerous non-standard dynamics are described by contact-like effective interactions that can manifest themselves in e+e- collisions only through deviations of the observables (cross sections, asymme­tries) from the Standard ...
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      Low-energy QCD Calculations with Package "FAPT" 

      Khandramai, V.; Prokopenko, D. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2015)
      We consider computational problems in the framework of non­ power Analityc Perturbation Theory and Fractional Analytic Per­turbation Theory that are the generalization of the standard QCD perturbation theory. The ...
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      The Spin Structure of Proton in Electroweak Model 

      Timoshin, E. S.; Timoshin, S. I. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2008)
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      Investigation spin of nucleon in neutrino reactions 

      Timoshin, E. S.; Timoshin, S. I. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2008)
      A new way of obtaining spin-dependent structure functions from asymmetries of deep inelastic neutrino scattering on polarized target is proposed. Quark contributions in nucleon’s spin have been defined on the basis the ...
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      Electromagnetic Interactions of Kaons 

      Avakyan, E. Z.; Avakyan, S. L. (Joint institute for nuclear research, 2015)
      Analytical expressions for the electromagnetic form factors of the charged and neutral K mesons have been obtained in the Quark Confinement Model. The contribution from the direct diagrams, as well as that one from the ...