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dc.contributor.authorШаповалов, А. В.
dc.contributor.authorКидун, Н. М.
dc.contributor.authorМатьякубов, А. А.
dc.identifier.citationШаповалов, А. В. Экспериментальное исследование работы термосифонов, заправленных хладагентами R404A, R407C, R410A / А. В. Шаповалов, Н. М. Кидун, А. А. Матьякубов // Наука, техника и развитие инновационных технологий : материалы научной конференции, посвященной 30-летнему юбилею независимости Туркменистана, Ашхабад, 12–13 июня 2021 г. – Ашхабад, 2021. – С. 112-115.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractCurrently, thermosyphons are rarely used in industry. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the physics of the processes occurring in thermosyphons (jointly occurring processes of heat conduction, convection and phase transitions in the zones of evaporation and condensation) has not yet been sufficiently studied. In addition, the accumulated knowledge in this area is, as a rule, the conclusions obtained for specific versions of thermosyphons and coolants, design schemes and technical solutions. Analysis of the most significant results of studies of heat transfer in closed two-phase thermosyphons shows that the most significant characteristic of their work is thermal resistance.The established experimental data will further allow the development of efficient heat exchangers with two-phase heat transfer elements for their use in power engineering, refrigeration engineering, ventilation and air conditioning systems, and industry, in order to reduce energy consumption, material consumption, and improve the quality of products.ru_RU
dc.subjectТепловой потокru_RU
dc.subjectThermosiphon closed two-phasedru_RU
dc.subjectHeat-transmitting devicesru_RU
dc.subjectHeat fluxru_RU
dc.subjectТеплопередающие устройстваru_RU
dc.titleЭкспериментальное исследование работы термосифонов, заправленных хладагентами R404A, R407C, R410Aru_RU
dc.title.alternativeExperimental study of the operation of thermosyphones filled with R404A, R407C, R410A refrigerantsru_RU
dc.title.alternativeR404A, R407C, R410A hladagentler bilen doldurylan termosifonlaryň işleýşiniň synag (eksperimental) barlagyru_RU

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