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dc.contributor.authorЗлотников, А. И.
dc.identifier.citationЗлотников, А. И. Повышение антифрикционных свойств керамических покрытий, полученных методом микродугового оксидирования / А. И. Злотников // Наука, техника и развитие инновационных технологий : материалы научной конференции, посвященной 30-летнему юбилею независимости Туркменистана, Ашхабад, 12–13 июня 2021 г. – Ашхабад, 2021. – С. 104-107.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe paper considers ways to increase the antifriction properties of ceramic coatings obtained on aluminum alloys by the method of micro-arc oxidation (MAO). Two methods of reducing the rhenium coefficient of ceramic coatings have been proposed by impregnation in compositions based on mineral oils, as well as by carrying out MAO in electrolytes containing particles of dry lubricants. It has been established that impregnation with mineral oil makes it possible to reduce the friction coefficient of ceramic coatings by more than 5 times and, as a consequence, to reduce the temperature in the friction zone. Pre-treatment of the coating with surfactants further improves this performance. As a second method for increasing the anti-friction properties of ceramic coatings, the possibility of introducing solid lubricant particles-zinc oxide, colloidal graphite and molybdenum disulfide- into the coating material from electrolyte during MAO was investigated. It was found that the introduction of solid lubricant particles into the base electrolyte leads to a significant decrease in the friction coefficient, which can be explained by the direct introduction of lubricant particles into the coating material. The studies carried out open up possibilities for further improving the antifriction properties of ceramic coatings and expanding the areas of application of aluminum alloys in friction units.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractIşde Mikroduga okislenme usuly (MDO) bilen alýumin splawlarynda alnan keramik üstleriň sürtülmä garşy häsiýetlerini ýokarlandyrmagyň ýollaryna garalyp geçilýär. Keramiki üstleriň sürtülmesini peseltmegiň iki sany usuly teklip edildi – esasyň düzümine mineral ýaglary siňdirmek, şeýle hem gury çalgylaryň böleklerini özünde saklaýan elektrolitlerde MDO geçirmek ýoly bilen. Mineral ýagy siňdirmegiň keramiki üstleriň sürtülme koeffisiýetini 5 esseden hem köpräk temperaturanyň peselmeginiň hasabyna peseldýändigini kesgitlenildi. Üstleri öňi syra işjeň maddalar bilen işlemek bu görkezijileri has hem ýokarlandyrýar. Keramik 105üstleriň sürtülmä garşy häsiýetlerini ýokary götermegiň ikinji usuly hökmünde gaty çalgylaryň bölejiklerini MDO ornaşdyrmak bilen derňeldi. Gaty çalgylary baza elektrolitine ornaşdyrmak sürtülme koeffisiýentiniň has peselmegine getirýändigi ýüze çykaryldy. Geçirilen derňewler keramik üstleriň sürtülmä garşy häsiýetlerini mundan beýläk hem ýokarlandyrmaga we alýuminiý splawlarynyň sürtülme üstýüzünde ulanylmagyna mümkinçilik berýär.
dc.subjectКерамические покрытияru_RU
dc.subjectМетод микродугового оксидированияru_RU
dc.subjectМикродуговое оксидированиеru_RU
dc.subjectАнтифрикционные свойстваru_RU
dc.titleПовышение антифрикционных свойств керамических покрытий, полученных методом микродугового оксидированияru_RU
dc.title.alternativeImproving anti-frictional properties of ceramic coatings obtained by the method of micro-arc oxidationru_RU
dc.title.alternativeMikro-ark oksidleşdirmegiň usuly bilen alnan keramiki örtükleriň antifriksion mümkinçiliklerini ýokarlandyrmakru_RU

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