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dc.contributor.authorЗлотников, И. И.
dc.identifier.citationЗлотников, И. И. Влияние нанодисперсного диоксида кремния на физико-механические свойства композитов на основе смесей полиолефинов / Наука, техника и развитие инновационных технологий : материалы научной конференции, посвященной 30-летнему юбилею независимости Туркменистана, Ашхабад, 12–13 июня 2021 г. – Ашхабад, 2021. – С. 101-104.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe work is devoted to the problem of increasing the interfacial interaction of the components of polymer mixtures based on polyolefins by introducing nanodispersed silicon dioxide. This is due to the fact that a characteristic feature of most polymer mixtures is their thermodynamic incompatibility and an increase in interfacial interaction at the interface between the mixture components is the main condition for obtaining composite materials with improved properties. Nanodispersed silicon dioxide was obtained by dispersing Kove-los silicon dioxide in a mixture of toluene with isopropyl alcohol, and then the resulting organosol was mixed with polymer particles. Primary and secondary polyolefins - low and high pressure polyethylene -  were used as polymers. Samples were made by extrusion. Studies have shown that the introduction of nanodispersed silicon dioxide into a mixture of secondary polyolefins increases their mechanical strength by 71%, and the introduction of the same dioxide into a mixture of primary polymers increases the strength by only 52%. This is explained by the appearance in secondary polyolefins due to oxidative and mechanical destruction processes during their processing of hydroxyl, peroxide, carbonyl and ether groups that provide interaction between oxidized fragments of polymer macromolecules and particles of silicon dioxide.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractIş polimer garyndylaryň düzümleriniň kremniniň nanodispers dioksidini poliolefinleriň esasynda girizmek ýoly bilen özara fazalara täsiriniň ýokarlanmak meselesine bagyşlanylýar. Munuň özi aglaba polimer garyndylaryň häsiýetli aýratynlygynyň termodinamik ylalaşmazlyk we fazalar ara täsiriň ýokarlanmagy bilen baglanyşykly bolup durýar. Kremniniň nanodispers dioksidini dispergirlemek ýoly bilen kremniniň «Kowelos» markasyny toluolyň izopropil spirt bilen garyndysynda alyndy, soň alnan organozol polimerleriň bölejikleri bilen garyşdyryldy. Polimerler hökmünde birinji derejeli we ikinji derejeli poliolefinler – pes basyşly we beýik basyşly polietilen ulanyldy. Nusgalar ekstruksiýa usuly bilen taýýarlanyldy. Derňewler ikinji derejeli poliolefinleriň garyndysyna kremniniň nanodispers dioksidini goýbermekligiň olaryň mehanik berkligini 71% ýokarlandyrýandygyny, şol bir dioksidi birinji derejeli polimer garyndylara goýbermekligiň bolsa berkligi diňe 52% ýokarlandyrýandygyny görkezdi. Munuň özi özara täsiri üpjün edýän 102ikinji derejeli poliolefinleriň okislenmek we mehanodiskruksion prosesleriň gidroksilperekis, karbonil we efir toparlarynyň makromolekul polimerleriň we kremniniň dioksid bölejikleriniň arasynda oksilenmegi netijesinde ýüze çykýar.
dc.subjectПолимерные смесиru_RU
dc.subjectКомпозиционные материалыru_RU
dc.subjectПолимерные материалыru_RU
dc.subjectНанодисперсный диоксид кремнияru_RU
dc.subjectПолимерные композитыru_RU
dc.titleВлияние нанодисперсного диоксида кремния на физико-механические свойства композитов на основе смесей полиолефиновru_RU
dc.title.alternativeInfluence of nanodispersed silicon dioxide on physical and mechanical properties of composites based on polyolefin mixturesru_RU
dc.title.alternativeKremniniň nanodispers dioksidiniň kompozitleriniň poliolefin garyndysynyň esasynda fiziki-mehaniki häsiýetlerine täsiriru_RU

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