The construction of the efficient contour of the inverse Mellin transformation for the F3 structure function
Lashkevich, V. I. The construction of the efficient contour of the inverse Mellin transformation for the F3 structure function / V. I. Lashkevich, O. P. Solovtsova // Nonlinear dynamics and applications: fractals, chaos, phase transitions, self-organization: proceedings of the Twenty-Third [i. e. Fourth] Annual Seminar NPCS'2017, May 16―19, 2017, Minsk, Belarus = Нелинейная динамика и приложения : труды XXIV Междунар. семинара, Минск, 16-19 мая 2017 г. - Минск : Право и экономика, 2017. - С. 178-184.