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dc.contributor.authorЕрмонина, И. В.
dc.identifier.citationЕрмонина, И. В. Контроль устойчивого развития государственных лесохозяйственных учреждений Гомельской области / И. В. Ермонина // Труды БГТУ. - 2017. - № 1(196).- С. 60-64.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractBased on “The technique of assessment of functioning of forestry organizations on the territory with radioactive pollution” control of sustainable development of forestries of Gomel region is exercised (SEFI “Buda-Koshelevsky experimental forestry”, SSFI “Vetkovsky special forestry”, SSFI “Narovlyansky special forestry”, SFI “Elsky Forestry” and SSFI “Chechersky special forestry”). It has been found out that in these forestries since 2012 positive dynamics of growth of general inventories of wood, especially inventories of ripe and overripe plantations is observed. Measure values of radiation safety of forestries don't exceed permissible levels. The integrated indicator of the level of economic safety at SEFI “Buda-Koshelevsky experimental forestry” and SFI “Elsky Forestry” grows, which proves the increase in dependence on the republican budget while at SSFI “Vetkovsky special forestry”, SSFI “Narovlyansky special forestry” and SSFI “Chechersky special forestry” it decreases – forestries systematically reduce the dependence on the republican budget. Indicators of social safety in forestries don't correspond to standard values. The carried-out complex analysis of indicators of radiation, economic and social safety allows saying that the forestries for the present didn't achieve sustainable development. The system of actions for sustainable development of the public forestry institutions of Gomel region with varying severity of radioactive pollution is enhanced (SEFI “Buda-Koshelevsky experienced forestry”, SSFI “Vetkovsky special forestry”, SSFI “Narovlyansky special forestry”, SFI “Elsky Forestry” and SSFI “Chechersky special forestry”). It includes actions and their volume indicators for payment issues of work, optimization of forest exploitation, reforestation, industrial activity, improvement of labor protection and social protection of employees of forestries.
dc.subjectЛесное хозяйствоru_RU
dc.subjectPublic forestry institution
dc.subjectSustainable development
dc.subjectComplex assessment
dc.subjectForest fund
dc.subjectRadioactive pollution
dc.subjectГосударственное лесохозяйственное учреждение
dc.subjectЛесной фонд
dc.subjectРадиоактивное загрязнение
dc.titleКонтроль устойчивого развития государственных лесохозяйственных учреждений Гомельской областиru_RU
dc.title.alternativeControl of Sustainable Development of the Public Forestry Institutions of Gomel Region

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